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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Happy birthday

It's still difficult to believe that last week, President Barack Obama actually celebrated Feb. 17 as the anniversary of his stimulus plan (aka the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009), in which Washington borrowed $862 billion on American taxpayers' credit. Celebrate the piling of roughly $1 trillion on the backs of our posterity? Call me clueless, but I never have considered easing present circumstances by going into a massive amount of debt as an answer to anyone's economic recovery and longevity.

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A New And Brazen ObamaCare Scheme

Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have huddled behind closed doors once again and are planning a series of "legislative tricks" to pass ObamaCare. And their new strategy, designed to bypass a Republican filibuster of their government-run health care scheme and brazenly defy the American people, is as deceptive as they come...

Read more now.

But I bet there's one date the president definitely won't be celebrating: Feb. 27. This Saturday marks the anniversary (or first birthday) of the Tea Party movement.

To think that last year at this time, the mainstream media and Washington politicians were either completely overlooking them or labeling those patriot gatherings as extreme and wacky fringe resistances.

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